3-Dimensional Retention Modelling of Gradient Time, Ternary Solvent-Strength and Temperature of the Reversed-phase Gradient Liquid Chromatography of a Complex Mixture of 22 Basic and Neutral Analytes using DryLab® 2010 by Melvin R Euerby, Gesa Schad, Hans-Jürgen Rieger & Imre Molnár, Chromatography Today, December 2010
In this article the HPLC modelling software, DryLab, is used to model a separation of pharmaceutical analytes using gradient time, temperature and ternary composition. Probably the most common approach for computer modelling is using a combination of gradient time and temperature, so this approach adds the potential use of ternary mixtures of mobile phases and brings the increased selectivity options that this will provide. This article will be of interest to anyone using computer simulation as part of their method development strategy.
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