This applies to the following
Our Books:
An Introduction to HPLC for Pharmaceutical AnalysisValidation of Analytical Methods for Pharmaceutical Analysis
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On Demand Online Training:
Course: Basic HPLC for Pharmaceutical AnalysisThis course will suit the complete beginner but is also ideal for those who have been using HPLC and would like a more complete understanding of how it works. The important concepts of HPLC are introduced.
Click here for more information.
Live Online Training:
Course: Validation and Transfer of Methods for Pharmaceutical/Biopharmaceutical AnalysisThis course will provide you with the requisite scientific knowledge and understanding of analytical method validation, verification and transfer to allow informed interpretation of current regulatory guidance from ICH, EMA and FDA. The content will also prepare you for the expected changes in regulatory expectations, in particular, the update of ICH Q2(R1). The course is approved by the Royal Society of Chemistry for the purposes of continuing professional development.
Click here for more information.
Please click here to get in touch if you have any questions. Happy learning!