Wednesday, 24 April 2013

MTS Recommends... Chromatography Modelling

MTS Recommends... Chromatography ModellingChromatography Modelling in High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method Development
by Imre Molnár, Hans-Jürgen Rieger, Institute for Applied Chromatography, Berlin, Germany
Róbert Kormány, Egis Pharmaceutical, Budapest, Hungary
Chromatography Today, March 2013

I often recommend the use of chromatography modelling in my HPLC method development courses. This article provides an overview of the history of this approach over the last 30 years and should be useful to anyone interested in the topic.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

MTS Recommends... 17 Ways to Stop Pipetting Errors Ruining Your Experiments

17 Ways to Stop Pipetting Errors Ruining Your Experiments

by Nick Oswald in Lab Equipment
17 Ways to Stop Pipetting Errors Ruining Your Experiments
Many analysts just assume that micro-pipettes are dispensing perfectly every time but like any piece of analytical equipment this is only true if they are used and maintained correctly. This helpful article explains how you can ensure that pipette error is minimised.