Wednesday, 25 August 2010

MTS Recommends... ‘Holistic LC strategies, from UHPLC to HPLC and back’

Holistic LC strategies, from UHPLC to HPLC and back’ by Adrian Clarke, John Nightingale, Partha Mukherjee and Patrik Petersson in Chromatography Today, May/June 2010

One of the problems when introducing new technologies, such as UHPLC, is that although they may result in dramatic performance improvements, the methods utilised may not be easily transferred to other laboratories. In large pharma companies analytical methods may be transferred for stability studies, to contract research organisations, and to quality assurance departments, among others, and so this limits the use that can be made of a new technology. In this article, scientists at AstraZeneca describe the methods that they have used to introduce UHPLC alongside traditional HPLC techniques in a global strategy.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

MTS Recommends...Video on Clinical Research

This short animation introduces the stages of clinical research in drug development, useful if you work in pharmaceutical analysis and want to know more about the industry you work in, or may be useful as a resource in your pharmaceuticals training programme.